Sunday, August 24, 2008

AQ II August

Hanging out by the big Douglas Fir near the head of Jack Creek.

Somebody's happy about roasting marshmellows.

Playing yet another game of camoflauge.

Creek hike up the trial by Three Creeks Lake.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Canoeing Hosmer Lake
Lunch Break
Camping at Jack Creek
July 21st-24th

Friday, July 18, 2008

Adventure Quest I

Elk Lake on a sunny day

Sunday, July 13, 2008

KC at Strawberry Lake

At the Strawberry Lake trailhead. 2 miles to the lake.

Getting wet under chilly Strawberry Creek Falls.

Looking out over the John Day Valley. Little Strawberry Lake is just below.

The hike out with Strawberry Lake in the background.

Strawberry Lake II

Eating lunch in the Strawberry Basin.

Little Strawberry Lake

Jumping into Little Strawberry Lake, July 10th, 2008